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WC Dual Enrollment Opportunities

WC Dual Enrollment Opportunities



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West Carroll Parish School Board is pleased to offer our students the opportunity to receive college credit through our Dual Enrollment Program with our local university and community college.  These dual credit courses allow students to earn both high school and college credit.  All students are afforded the opportunity to participate in our Dual Enrollment Program provided they meet the eligibility requirements determined by individual university admission requirements.  Students must be in the 11th grade or above, they must be addressing the Louisiana Core 4 curriculum, must have a minimum ACT composite score of 18 or a composite score of 18 on the PLAN test, and a 3.0 GPA.  All students that meet the above mentioned requirements, but do not have the 3.0 GPA, receive the principal’s recommendation to participate in the program provided they have a 2.0-2.9 GPA.

During individual student class scheduling and at Junior/Senior Parents Night our Principals and counselors make parents and students aware of our Dual Enrollment Program and provide them with an outline of university admission and program requirements.  Parents are also reminded of this opportunity through the use of our one-call system.  A copy of these requirements is also made available to our parents on our website.   Principals and counselors are prohibited from choosing one student over another to participate in the program.   Enrollment is strictly determined by student eligibility.    

All eligible students and parents are informed of the program requirements.  Counselors notify each eligible student.  Program requirements are posted on parish website and parents are notified by an all-call.
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